It's Trails Time!!

The Peoples Heartland Foundation, under the leadership of Chairman Mark McClain, took an essential step in the development of the trails system on the Home on the Range Site.

McClain and Goodwin.png

McClain hosted a site meeting on May 22, 2021 with Mike Goodwin, Trail Coordinator for the Kansas Trails Association, Topeka, KS. Also in attendance were volunteers interested in the trails project, including Wildlife Biologist Tony Ifland, Bart and Cindy Wagner of Wagner Farms, Dick Huffman representing the Smith Center Lions Club, and Home on the Range Site Advisory Board Member ElDean Holthus. Several other individuals and groups both local and outside Smith County have expressed interest in volunteering to help construct the Home on the Range Site trails system.

Goodwin delivered a Kansas Trails Council “Trails in a Trailer” filled with tools loaned to the Foundation to be used by volunteers in constructing the trails. He described the tools in the trailer - some common, some unique to trails building. Goodwin will aid in developing a general trails plan for the site and will offer additional assistance as needed.

The group then set out on a walking/riding tour of the proposed trail system with Goodwin pointing out special needs locations, especially uphill/downhill areas of the trail. The group spent 3 hours together and received excellent information and advice.

McClain, Goodwin and Holthus will develop the plans in sections for volunteer groups to develop individual trail portions. Pollinator plots for honeybees and Monarch Butterflies will be planned along with rest stations for hikers to rest and enjoy the scenery. Many of volunteers are farm operators or work in Ag-related business, so actual work on the trails will begin after harvest in July.

If you or your group would like to volunteer to help build the trails, please click here to complete the volunteer registration form.

Plans are also being developed for relocating the historic Pony Truss Bridge across the closed 90 Road at the entrance to the Home on the Range Site. Tentative plans are to raise the 90 Road bridge and install a longer, wider steel bridge with higher load capacity. This will improve access for service and emergency vehicles and reduce the threat of flooding of the historic Cabin.

The HOR Site will remain open during all the work. Visitors and groups are welcome. For group visits, please contact ElDean Holthus at 785-476-5216 or